Your invisible prison for life

It’s a dirty little secret for a lot of men over 35.

The fact you’ve allowed taking care of your body to be less of a priority... the years have ticked by.

So I'll take a wild guess that... struggle to do all the things you KNOW you should do consistently, to live optimally.

You know you need to eat better, move more, lift weights...

You also know you need to eat less biscuits...

Spend less time sitting hunched over your desk.

...and you definitely need to cut down on scrolling on your phone.

That fucking phone!

How many hours of our lives has it sucked off of us?

(I had to write that sentence carefully).

I shudder to think.

But as each month rolls by... find you give yourself a pass (again) for not doing what you know you should do.

So you know you’ve GOT to put in the effort if you want to stay in shape.

Do it for the woman (or future woman) in your life when she sees you drying yourself off after a shower...

Btw there's no elegant way to put your pants on when she's watching.

NONE... Do it in private.

You also wanna be in great shape to SET AN EXAMPLE for the kids (or grandkids).

None of us want to be the fat fuck who other dads piss all over at the 100m school sports day Dad's race.

The look of humiliation on your kid's face... their dad stacks it in a heap after just 20 metres of energetic waddling...

Right in front of the yummy mummys...

Who are all recoiling in horror and realising...

They can NEVER unsee the sight of your hairy arse crack...

...cos your XL Jackamo jeans fit so badly.


Incidentally, (going off on a tangent here)...

That's one of the few things that piss me off about us home-educating our kids...

Not going to a Government Indoctrination camp (sorry I mean school)...

...means they will miss out on being taught they can identify as a penguin or a cat or some other total lunacy...

And they won't have to sit in on ridiculous talks where the boys get told they should feel guilty for being male...

Or that pure masculinity is toxic...

And that they are privileged cos of the colour of their skin or some other brainwashing divisive bullshit...

Or that 'everyone wins' (They don't)...

Or that you must be nice to everyone (No you don't)...

And that you must not question authority...

(Look at the mess that's got us into over the last 3 years...

All the brainwashed lemmings who will do anything the tel-LIE-vision programming orders them to do)

And don't even get me started on the perverts...

Who are trying to normalise teaching little kids about sexual shenanigans that have no place in a classroom.

No, no, no.

All of that is GOOD to miss out on, thank god...

But what fucks me off is that I'll never get a chance to enter the Dads race.

I've always been highly confident that I'll smoke any other dad in a 100m dash.

Anyway, I digress MASSIVELY.

Men, bodies, getting older... yes...

Always a reason to talk yourself out of doing what you know you should do.

Oh, the comforting excuses.

Maybe it’s the non-stop 'Dad's Taxi service' to kids' parties at the weekend...

You’re too's too late... or too early...too dark...

Work is too busy at the moment...

Or you’re aching a bit and are taking the rest of the week off.


You know the drill.

Whatever the excuse, you don’t hit the markers you need to, consistently...

...and you never really gain any momentum.

Does any of this speak to you?

For what it’s worth, you’re not alone.

A lot of guys I worked with in the City suffered from this...

And several guys in The Network have told me that...

...they've experienced the guilt of not doing as much as they know they should... be in optimal shape.

Part lack of info, and part lack of motivation.

It’s very common as a man for this to be an obstacle on his journey to looking and feeling great...

No matter what age he is or you are.

Unfortunately, whilst it remains an obstacle, you’re NEVER going to get there, brother.

Because the excuses you allow yourself to get away with are your self-made invisible prison for life.

If you’re pissed off that you're not in the shape you want to be...

If you’re having to suck in your gut when you catch yourself in the mirror...

Or you find yourself getting out of breath walking up the stairs when the bloody escalator is out of order...

You’re seeing flashing red signs that you need to up your game...

...and take your health and fitness seriously.

What does this mean for you?

It means you need to stop burying your head in the sand and hit this shit head-on.

The trick is to find men who are where you want to be...

...and do exactly what they tell you to do.

That's why our Elite Insiders I have lined up will be drilling down on...

'5 things a man can do to quickly get in optimal shape.'

We've already learned some eye-opening stuff in The Network about Gene optimisation...

...and some simple, low-cost resources you can access to find out HOW you are hardwired for optimisation.

We've had a real-life action-man teach us about resilience...

And we recently added a video about avoiding Burnout from an Award-winning ex-policeman.

So next month I'll be bringing in experts who can really help us move the needle... get in great shape, and stay in great shape.


So you can be proud of your reflection in the mirror...

Even when you're hopping about with one foot stuck in your pants.

What a lovely vision to end with!

I'll leave you with this question to consider...

Can you really afford not to take notice of what I’ve shared today?

Probably not.

You certainly can’t ignore it like so many men do.

So if you've been thinking about joining The Network

Don't just do it to join a great band of brothers who are intent on winning in life...

Do it to become the man that others admire when they walk into a room.

Here's all the dets to check it out now.

And if you have any questions, just hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Have a great weekend...

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

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