Have bold conversations

The world seems a bit fucked up at the moment.

And I've said it before and it's worth repeating.

‘The most dangerous thing you can have these days is an opinion.’

Because there's always someone waiting around the corner to be offended.

- To tell you that you are wrong.

- To ask where your source came from.

- To reply with 'Trust the $cience'.

- To point blank reject whatever you said.

Even though they haven't taken ONE second to consider that...

...you might be right and they MIGHT be wrong.

Last week was a prime example:

I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn these days.

It's a great way to connect with more men.

Plenty of you reading this will have come from our connection on the platform.

However, I saw people arguing online about all sorts of things.

High on the list was of course...

The recent disturbing events in the Middle East.

They are understandably front and centre in people's minds.

But I saw a guy write a really decent measured post where he said that ultimately...

No matter what your opinion is, or stance you take on it...

The goal must be peace.

It's not exactly an outrageous claim, is it?

Basically to not have people hurting and killing each other.

And you could also apply that to the Ukraine/Russia conflict...

To inner-City gang issues.

To domestic violence.

But he dared to offer his opinion.

He didn't say how that should come about...

He didn't say he supported anyone's side or group or country in particular...

I thought it was really well-written.

And yet, he still got negative comments shouting him down.

Telling him he didn't understand, and to 'stay in his lane'.

He probably wondered why he bothered in the first place.

But actually, I think it's important to put your views out there.

It will certainly help you find your own brotherhood.

For example with me...

I've made it crystal clear that I thought lockdowns were a terrible idea.

For mental health, for kids and their development, for the imprisoned elderly in care homes...

For NHS waiting lists, for the economy, for businesses...

For forced isolation of millions of people, the list goes on.

So if that offends you and you think they were a really good idea...

Thats cool... I don't mind at all hearing views opposing mine, brother.

It is, in fact, important to hear and consider views we don't agree with...

Because I've been wrong before, just like every other man reading this email.

Note: Just be careful that, when putting your point across...

You don't quote mainstream media as your single go-to source.


There's an easy way to humiliate yourself.

So here's me saying...

I LIKE to hear your bold opinions.

No matter if I agree with them or not.

I encourage conversations around seemingly 'difficult' topics.

From conversations around...

Why you're not where you want to be in life...

Why you haven't taken action on that 'thing' you keep promising yourself that you would.

To anything else you want to discuss.

Because that's HOW we expand our minds and our thinking.

So, don't get put off from sharing what you think...

Because ultimately it will help you find 'the others'.

And talking of finding the others...

If you've felt like you could do with some light amongst the darkness...

Some laughter amongst the dreary doom-laden news...

Some great food...

Some ridiculous stories...

And most importantly, some awesome new connections and opportunities...

I have great news.


Here's the dates of all three of the next WMA dinners:

WINCHESTER - Thursday 9th November

Venue: Turtle Bay

LONDON - Thursday 16th November

Venue TBC but West End of London

COTSWOLDS - Thursday 23rd November

Venue TBC but likely The Bell, Alderminster

I'll be sending the link to all the guys in The Network first...

And then opening up the remaining spaces to everyone else.

But for now, put the date in your diary...

And I'll send the details for the tickets next week.

On Friday I'm gonna share with you something from one of our latest Elite Insider videos...

It's really crazy, or really life-changing, (you will have to decide).

I'd never heard about it before...

...and I bet you haven't either.

Have a great week

And remember, the world needs strong men.

P.S. If you want to maximise your potential, check out the details of The Network...

...and see how it could help you achieve what you know you can.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.


The ability to dictate future events


Your invisible prison for life