Do you agree with what this guy said?
The latest man to join The Network this week, Dominic, said something really interesting...
'We are all on a journey...
So I'm happy to be around like-minded men...
...and I'm always around if I can do anything for anyone.'
I like that energy.
He wants to be better...
But is willing to help others get better too.
That's what we are building in the brotherhood.
Men who want each other to win, and will help each other get there.
So on that note, it's a good time to let you know of a date for the diary.
Our next London WMA dinner will be on Thursday 16th November.
Venue TBC, but as always, somewhere in the West End.
Spaces will be limited so I'll open it up to the guys in The Network first...
Guys like Tom, Rele, Joe, James etc...
And if there are spaces left we'll open it up to all the other men.
Also, I'm working on a date for a Cotswolds dinner...
And just awaiting some details to see if a Winchester dinner can be slipped in before the year's end.
So keep an eye on the emails.
It would be great to see you at a dinner event soon.
Catch you Friday, where I'll be sharing something that will resonate deeply with a lot of you...
And remember, the world needs strong men.
P.S. - Been thinking about joining The Network?
Have a look at some of the other guys who have already joined.
And remember, the world needs strong men.
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