Men get stuck here…

Imagine I sent you an invitation…

I’d got a crowd of 10,000 people at an event.

And I want you to speak for an hour on whatever subject you like.

Some guys would prepare for it meticulously.

Rehearsing and practising because they want it to be great.

Others would just wing it and hope it was OK.

They’d come off to a lukewarm reception and think ‘That'll do’.

'I did just enough'.

I was thinking about this on my 3-hour drive home yesterday.

I'd played football for my old footy team down in Maidstone.

I was chatting to my mate Mark Knight.

Plenty of you will know he’s been on the podcast and is one of the world's biggest DJs.

He recounted his story on the pod…

And one thing you can take from it...

Is that he didn't play small.

He strived to become an expert in his craft.

He could have settled for playing to crowds of a few hundred or maybe a few thousand at venues in the UK.

And therefore making a few hundred, or a few thousand quid every weekend.

Decent but not outstanding.

But instead, he has performed all across the world.

Honed his skills in DJing AND building his business

And has now created something that makes a significant impact, pays very well, and he loves doing.

And that's why he has become comfortable playing the tunes he likes to enormous crowds.

He was thinking BIG and not small.

That came from the intention not to get stuck in the ‘Good Enough’ trap.

And that was a comment I heard during the course I was on last week.

Men get stuck in GOOD ENOUGH.

Done JUST enough.

And that’s great if that’s how you want your life to be.

It gets tied in with the ‘That’ll do’ and ‘Average is OK’.

But it was suggested that for many of us…

It's NOT what you've been called to do.

To live in a world of average.

To find yourself muttering ‘That’ll do’.

To fall into the ‘Good Enough’ trap.

So here’s something to consider:

Which part of your life are you playing ‘Good Enough’ in?

Your relationship with your wife?

Your business?

Your health?

Your job?

Your body?

Being a dad?

Only you know.

But it sure is interesting to consider.

I’m looking forward to talking about this on Thursday night.

We have a great selection of guys coming to our London dinner event.

I’ve also increased the table so we have 3 more spaces available, brother.

So, if you want to join me and the other guys for dinner, just hit this link.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

She’s sleeping with another man


I was dying inside.. and it was my event!