Powerful Japanese outlook on life

I dunno about you, but I can't stand WASABI

And if you're not sure what I'm on about...

It's the Japanese root often served as a Kermit green paste with sushi.

It usually lurks around the edge of the plate waiting to pounce.


Hot, fiery, spicy and pungent is how I've heard it described.

'Pungent'...what a great and relatively unused word.

Anyway, I love sushi, but the paste stuff?

Not for me, thanks.

Now you might have heard of wasabi...

But have you ever heard of…


Probably not.

So here's it in a nutshell.

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese outlook on life.

It teaches that everything is inherently imperfect and fleeting...

Which is why it should be appreciated.

Wabi-sabi finds beauty in irregularity and imperfection...

And appreciates deep values beneath the surface.

You might be wondering WTF that has to do with you.

Well, I want to focus on one thing today...

And I love the simplicity of the message I'm about to deliver to you.

When you ask the question...

How do you practise Wabi-sabi?

I got several different answers via my research...

But this was the best one that you and I can apply to our lives.

Strive for excellence but let go of perfectionism.

Learn to accept things as they come (especially if you cannot change them).

Find beauty everywhere around you...

And stay in touch with nature and respect its laws.

It was the first line that got me.

Strive for excellence but let go of perfectionism.

Maybe it resonates with you too?

Because I want to be excellent.

Not that it's a word we use much...

I doubt many of you guys reading this jump out of bed and shout...


But, honestly, I DO want to excel at many things.


Providing for my family.

Being a dad / husband / son / brother.

A coach / mentor / consultant / researcher..

A friend / mate.

I want to excel at speaking / talking / writing.

At being a podcast host.

At being an example to anyone who looks my way.

(Especially my 3 boys)

I want to excel at being fit / strong / healthy.

There's SO much.

And you know what, just like you...

I'm just a normal guy who is working on all of them at once...

Trying to figure everything out.

But if I wait until everything is perfect to take action.

I'd be dead in the water.

And that applies to our membership concept.

It won't be perfect to start with...

I'm still figuring some of it out.

But the guys who get in on day 1 will be part of something exciting.

We'll strive to improve alongside each other day after day.

So that's my thinking.

If everything is perfect in your life.

This probably won't be for you.

But if you are committed to striving for excellence...

...for you AND those you love...

And aren't weighed down by waiting for everything to be perfect

Then step into my office, brother.

More on that to come next week.

If you wanna read more about WASABI-BABI-SABI or whatever it is...

You can have a read of this.

And just for a fleeting moment...

Think if you are truly striving for excellence in certain areas of your life...

Or are you happy passively plodding?

I'll be back on Friday to share something super important that links to you...

Earning more money...

Having more success...

And living the life you want.

You do want that, don't you?

Catch you then.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.


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