Do you have this issue?

Ever wondered why your old mates are happy plodding through life?

If so, you're not alone.

It's a problem lots of men who wanna live a great life have faced over the centuries.

So, in a moment I'll share with you an interesting conversation I had recently...

The guy nails an issue SO many men have.

But first...

I've interviewed over 100 guys with inspiring stories who grew up surrounded by guys who were...

Happy living 'week to week'.

Maybe like them, you see friends settling for the mundane.

Content going through the motions.

Wake up - 8 hours work - watch TV - bed.

That's great, if that's all you want.

But at some point, you want to be around guys who...

Are looking to achieve MORE.

(Whatever that 'more' consists of is up to you.)

I saw that in the City as a trader and then broker.

Some guys I knew earned decent money.

£75k, 100k, £250k, maybe £1million+...

But even then I felt like they were missing something.

Real ambition.

And honestly, not many of them were truly happy.

Not truly living.

Cos they'd fallen into a well-paid job...

But didn't realise they were stuck as a cog in a machine for the next 20-30-40 years.

And if they got sacked, or made redundant, they were fucked.


Because they were dependent on someone else.

Now, that doesn't mean everyone should work for themselves.

That's just an example of men I saw who didn't...

Share my ambition or drive.

And it's just like the guys I talk to in our Whole Man network...

They have great 'old mates'...

But they also have a different circle of friends who...

Really want to DO SOMETHING with their life.

Now, here's where it gets interesting...

As soon as I got more involved in personal development...

And started getting around guys with REAL ambition...

Attending a regular mastermind event.

I noticed something.

I realised I'd found the men I'd been looking for.

These guys wanted MORE than staggering on the hamster wheel of life.

They wanted...

Freedom to work when they wanted and not ask permission to have a day off.

To make some real impact and help others who need it.

Have adventures, shit loads of fun and cool experiences.

Have the unlimited upside of wealth instead of just a capped paycheck that gets annihilated by the taxman.

Have a fit, strong, healthy body to ensure they could tackle anything that came their way.

And most importantly of all...

To know that whatever comes up...

You've got other men you can go to, who will give you...

A measured, honest, no-bullshit bit of advice if you ask for it.

Funnily enough, that's summed up nicely in an exchange I had on LinkedIn last week.

I've added some great new connections in the past 6 months and Nick is one of those guys...

Read our conversation below:

Here's what I said...

'Super excited about the Membership...

Something I should have created years ago.

There'll be 2 tiers (so that price is never a barrier to joining).

We create a strong network of men who support each other to go after whatever we want in life.

That will include expert content.

Regular Mastermind events.

Live events.

Accelerator accountability.

And access to a network of men.

I've found a lot of men struggling to get around more men who really want to...

Take action instead of just talking about it.

I love being around guys like that.'

He replied with...

I said...

'Absolutely… will gladly do that.

Guys often have great old mates but they are quite happy plodding along.'

His reply...

And that's where he NAILED it.

'It's great to have old friends...

But I want inspiring people around me too.'

And that got me thinking...

Who are the three most inspiring men you know?

And what have they inspired you to do?

I have shitloads who inspire me...

In fact...

One of them had a chat with me recently, and afterwards...

I implemented what he suggested and it transformed my relationship by stealth.

I'm gonna share that in the membership as one of the first things I do.

But who are yours?

I'd love to know who they are and why they inspire you.

And if you can't think of any, that's OK.

That can change in an instant.

Oh and if you want to inspire others yourself...

Start with the most powerful one of all.

Lead by example.

Catch you Wednesday.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Powerful Japanese outlook on life


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