A lot of men NEED to do this...(But it's not easy)

I have a quote for you that stopped me in my tracks.

I was on the Wake Up Warrior 4-day event.

30 men in the room (who'd each paid $10,000 to be there)...

And about 100 of us on Zoom.

The conversation was about having an impact on the world.

I'd wager every man there wants to make a bigger impact.

And I'll guess YOU want to make some sort of impact as well.

Maybe on the world?

On an industry?

On your family?

On your business or workplace?

On your bank balance?

On your freedom?

Only you know the answer to that.

But when delving into one of the guys in the room and his story...

It appeared that there was a disconnect between...

His words, his intentions...


He said he wanted to make a BIG impact...

But it seemed like he wanted to do it quietly.

Hiding in the bushes.

Popping up from behind the sofa now and then.

Peeping out of the window.

Instead of being front and centre and being highly visible with his message.

He was kinda hiding.

And so came the line from the man leading the 4-day seminar.

He said...

'You can't take the world by stealth, you have to take it by storm.'

And that really hit home.

Because a lot of us guys might find we really want to achieve great things...

But we're doing it half-heartedly.

Maybe because we're afraid of what others will say.

Afraid of failing.

Scared of looking stupid.

Don't have all the answers.

Have a fear of success (that's a super interesting topic).

But... no matter what you are looking to achieve in life...

My message is this...


With your ideas.

Your dreams.

Your goals.

Your actions.

Your intentions.

Don't hide in the bushes.

Don't whisper your good ideas out the window.

Don't muffle your opinions for fear of blowback.

Don't tap on your little Playstation when you could be taking action.

Be seen.

Be heard.

Make a difference.


And get around men who are playing BIG.

You'd be amazed how good it feels to find 'the others'.

Have a great weekend.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.


Mark Zuckerberg has been watching me...


NEVER ask for permission to help your children.