Mark Zuckerberg has been watching me...

You know who Mark Zuckerberg is...

An 'odd character'...

He's been watching me.

Or tapping my phone.

Or whisper it quietly...

He's been reading my mind.

Cos last week I was sitting looking at my screen...

Curser flashing...

My mind was blank...

I was trying to think of a term or saying that summed up...

Who I DON'T want to be involved in the upcoming membership.

And then I opened Instagram.

And BAM - there it was staring back at me.

Scary but helpful.

I'll tell you WHY it's so powerful as a saying / term.

See...I've spent a lot of time around expert copywriters...

And they value...

The ability to condense a shit load of words...

Into one line...

Or paragraph...

That absolutely fucking NAILS the message they are trying to convey.

And that's exactly what happened here.

The term comes from a guy called Andy Elliott.

I hardly know anything about him.

But I do know he's in great shape.

He deals in Real Talk...

And one of the men in my network was on a private jet with him last week.

He's very good at the psychology of selling.

He puts out some great 'no-nonsense' content.

I like him.

So here's the 6 words that I had to share with you:

Holy shit that's good.

Especially the three words...


Hits home like you wouldn't believe.

Because 'minimum wage mindset' describes some of the men I've encountered over the years...

And let me be clear...

It's nothing to do with how much money you have or haven't got.

Nothing to do with how much you earn.

It's about how you THINK.

It's about your intentions.

Cos I've met guys with money in the bank...

...but still have a minimum-wage mindset.

And I've met guys who've lost everything and yet...

They have a mindset that tells you...

They have what it takes to claw back out of the fucking pit they are in...

And make their life great again.

So I'll be looking for guys to JOIN with an...

'Unlimited Potential Mindset'...

(came up with that myself).

And only you can decide if that's something you have bubbling under the surface...

...that you want to unleash.

That'll do for today.


If you're a man who's serious about leading an epic life...

I'll assume you want to...

Build a quality network of high-impact individuals...

Who want the same level of success as you do...

So you're surrounded by positive action-takers...

On your journey to realise your potential.

If that sounds like something you've been looking for...

Email me with 'Interested'.

And I'll add you to the growing waiting list of guys.

Catch you Wednesday...

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey (Free)

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course ($)

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be. ($$)

  4. Rediscover who you are, what you want (and how to get it) on our 3-Day Men Only Retreat ($$$)

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Embrace the Power of the Pack


A lot of men NEED to do this...(But it's not easy)