Only $10,000 for the 4-day course

I’ll tell you one thing I’ve seen a lot of in my life.

People who say one thing and do another.

It pisses me off.

They pretend to be someone they're not.

Or pretend to have things they don’t have.

But what also annoys me is when people preach about the importance of doing things…

Especially when it’s health, fitness, nutrition, and life advice.

But then, behind closed doors...

They do the complete opposite.

In fact, I know of someone who’s entire business is based on health and wellness.

And yet, I know they smoke.


When I found out I was like... ‘You gotta be fucking kidding me’

You're telling people to...

Eat organic.

Wear sustainable clothes.

Take care of themselves.

Yet, you smoke.

To be clear, I don't care if YOU smoke...

But don’t sell people a vision of a holistic lifestyle then puff like the Magic Dragon behind closed doors.

There’s a good example of a disconnect with someone and their message.

It’s a bit like all these clowns on TV and in the media.

They come out and bleat on about mental health and how important they think it is.

Most of them are talking utter bollocks and are just busy virtue signalling…

Or they do it because their handlers (sorry I mean management and sponsors) tell them to do it.

Because they want the public to say...

‘Oh well done you for talking about that important subject’

And they know it will get likes and help their profile.

But, if they REALLY cared, let me ask you this…

Where were they when people were locked in their homes on and off for 2 years?

Kids being abused.

Businesses destroyed.

Suicide rate skyrocketing.

Partners being beaten.

People conditioned to be fearful of others human touch.

Women being forced to give birth without their man buy their side in hospital.

Or the poor fucking old people in care homes who were locked away from their families.

I even read stories where people who tried to take their dear old mums and dads out of care homes were arrested.

Some of those nice old people spent their last days or moments looking at a screen on Facetime or Zoom to talk to their loved ones...

What hey needed is the people they love around their bed...

Holding their hand, and being there as the lights went out on their life.


And yet those media companies (who are ALL owned by the same 5-6 organisations)...

And the fake 'celebrities'...

Said and did nothing to fight for those people who were in distress.

They didn’t speak out, or stand up for people's mental health.

All they did was spread fear, create division and manufacture ill feeling for those who tried to make their voices heard.


But of course...once it’s safe to do so...

They come crawling back out again when it's popular.

Just in time for Mental health week, or Mental health month or whatever it is.

That’s why I advise people…

Don’t watch the news.

Don’t watch normal TV.

Don't read the newspapers.

Don’t blindly follow and worship people just because you see them on TV and think you know them.

You don't know them, at ALL.

(The current very dark goings on at ITV should be a warning if ever there was one).

You can admire people, like them, follow them even...

But don’t worship them..

Because it’s very likely you haven't really got a clue who they are...

What they are like...

Or what they do behind closed doors.


I know so many of you guys that I have spoken to are switched on enough to know that...

The mainstream media is one of the MOST toxic things around...

And to stay as far away from it as possible.

It doesn't mean everyone involved is toxic

But the organisations and their intentions are.

Because the message they give out has a huge disconnect to what they really care about.

Talking of being connected with your message....

That’s why I wanted to tell you about what I am about to embark on…

Why’s that?

Because I beat the drum for continually investing in yourself.

So on Thursday I begin something I’m really excited about.

It's a 4 day course with a major figure in the men’s personal development space.

His name is Garrett J White.

There's a man with no disconnection from his actions and his message.

It's fully aligned.

He's 100% Real Talk, no sugar coating.

He founded Wake Up Warrior over 10 years ago in the USA.

In fact he started it all just to get guys together to talk.

Sound familiar??

He’s put over 55,000 men through his programme.

Impressive stuff.

Anyway, my business mentor Jon saw that Garrett was doing a 4 day intensive course.

​It’s $10,000 to attend in person in the USA.

Or $2,000 to apply for a limited seat at the virtual event.

It’s all about how to reach more men, impact more men, and help more men.

That in a nutshell is pretty much my entire goal these days.

I want to help you get what you want in life.

So, I wanted to let you know that I walk my talk.

As I said, I am always encouraging you to invest in yourself...

And that doesn't have to be investing money...

Not at all.

You can get shit loads of great free advice off the internet.

You can listen to 127 hours of men’s advice on our podcast for free (and we don't even have adverts).

Youy can invest time and not spend any money at all.

But sometimes you have to splash some cash.

And I’m investing in my own personal development.

All sounds great eh!

There’s just one problem.

The event is on a completely different time zone to GMT.

So, from Thursday through until Sunday

UK time, it’s 5pm until 4am.


4 days in a row.


So, I will be going all in on this 4 day course...

And I’ll be reporting back with many of the powerful bits to you guys over the coming days and weeks.

Maybe it will spark a change in me and the content that's written for guys.

Or even a change in direction for the Whole Man Academy.

I dunno.

But one thing I’ll leave you with is this…

Something I really like about Garrett J. White is…

He’s not afraid to talk about difficult topics and subjects.

He’s not afraid to talk about issues that make people feel uncomfortable.

He's helped a lot of men wake up their inner warrior.

And Warriors don’t idolise people they don’t really know.

Lastly, we only have 6 spaces left for the London dinner on 15th June.

I’m also excited to confirm the venue.

It’s at the super cool Arcade restaurant on New Oxford Street.

You've gotta be there if you can.

Grab your ticket here for the London event.


Grab your ticket here for the Cotswolds event.

Catch you Friday.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Going through the motions - No thanks


Talk isn’t cheap - Mental Health