Fear is holding you back

Friday’s Journal, about lying to yourself…

Generated several powerful responses.

Here’s one from a long-time supporter of the WMA

What am I lying to myself about?!

Well that hit me like a gut punch this morning.

It has really made me think.

Thought provoking content as always!’

First off, I always appreciate the replies.

As anyone who publishes their thoughts and ideas would say.

It also means that we are ‘Over the target’

Talking about issues that resonate with men.

Or more importantly, it shows that we understand men's issues.

And are always looking to help you navigate the challenges of life.

Another response mentioned lying to himself about fear.

Fear to take action and step out of his comfort zone

We’ve ALL been there, brother.

Interviews, first dates, presentations,

Ending a relationship, taking a penalty.

First day at a new job.

There are so many things we can be fearful of.

And that got me thinking…

On Friday I met up with Gary Lafferty

He was pod guest ep084.


He’d flown over from the USA for a week to see family...

But made time to meet me in the Cotswolds for lunch.

He's a BIG fan of the Whole Man Academy mission.

And he’s the guy who does/did NO CAGE shark diving.

Not tiny sharks.

BIG ones.

If you asked me to do that I’d give you a measured response...

'Fuck that, no chance.'

Cos my appetite for risk is very low, especially as a dad of 3 boys.

But it’s interesting to see how we all have different levels of appetite for risk.

That could be applied to many things in life.

So, I wanted to give you a simple question to ponder:

What’s one thing in life you want to do, but fear is holding you back?

Maybe something big.

Maybe something small.

We all have our own version of ‘No-cage shark diving’ to face and conquer.

Hit reply and let me know, if you can be bothered.

And on Wednesday we’re doing something we’ve never done before.

I doubt you’ve seen ANY other companies / organisations do it.

That’ll drop in your inbox at 10am as usual.

Here's a 2-minute snippet of Gary's podcast for you to enjoy


And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.


An awesome resource for men


You’re lying to yourself