Tom was Directionless, Lost, and Trapped, but now he's...

If you're truly serious about living a great life...

You MUST do what the guy I'm gonna talk about today has done.

See... someone put him in touch with me.

Said he needed some guidance and coaching.


Not therapy.

Not a cuddle

Not to be shouted at.

He needed:

- A sounding board.

- Some advice from a man more experienced than him.

(I also have the experience of over 100 men in my corner)

- Someone to help him create an action plan.

The guidance he needed was in his Career.

But really, it's not about what career he has.

It's about living the life he wants.

The process of 'Life By Design' is powerful and priceless.

And the quicker he starts building the life HE wants...

The quicker he'll start showing up as the man he wants to be...

For himself, when he looks in the mirror...

And for his wife and family.

I asked Tom how he was feeling before our conversation:

- Directionless

- Lost

- Trapped

I know some of that would resonate with you.

We talked about his current situation.

His frustrations.

We chatted about where he wanted to be.

His dreams and ideas.

We went through his options.

Talked through some scenarios.

I suggested several helpful resources...

(Turns out he HAD one of the books I suggested but needed a kick up the arse to go and read it properly)

And we created an easy-to-execute game plan for him to quickly get started on.

Here's how he was feeling afterwards:

- Focused

- Motivated

- Excited

The result?

I'm pleased to say...

He's recently been accepted into a new role.

It's part-time to start, which is ideal.

It means he can continue doing what he was doing...

But get a taste for the new position without fully committing.

It's a win.

And although this isn't ALL about money...

He's got more chance of earning well doing something he's interested in...

Than stuck doing something he finds monotonous and dull.

Now it's up to Tom to put in the effort to make a go of the new opportunity.

Who knows what life will look like for him in the months ahead...

Cos I want you to imagine this...

A year from now you are...

Still doing the boring role you've been muttering under your breath about for years...

And existing in the 'Can't wait for the weekend' death loop.

Or you are waking up each day doing something you enjoy...

Getting well paid for it, and feeling like you are truly living.

I'd say that's priceless.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Tom progresses.

No doubt you'll join me in wishing him good luck.

Not just in his career.

But as a man who's finally on the right path.

You can follow Tom here on Insta

In September he'll be launching his Personal Training service...

...local to St Ives, Truro and Helston

He's the kind of guy we want to join our membership.


He looks forward.

Wants to be a strong, capable, rich, dependable man.

Takes action to live a better life.

Wants to be around more men who think the same.

And learns from men further along the road than he is.

If that sounds like you then keep an eye on these emails in the next 2 weeks.

Lastly, our Instagram account is back up and running.

If you want regular ideas on leading an epic life...

Join us on Instagram.

Click this link and then hit the Follow button.

Catch you Friday

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey (Free)

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course ($)

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be. ($$)

  4. Rediscover who you are, what you want (and how to get it) on our 3-Day Men Only Retreat ($$$)

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

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In the face of this...