The Silent Saboteur of Success for Men

I wonder how much procrastination has cost you?

I mean... we all do it.

Here's some examples:

John has an important work project with a tight deadline.

Instead of starting early and making steady progress...

He keeps pissing about and putting it off.

He knows he's gotta get on with it, but...

Tells himself he 'works better under pressure'.

Course you do, John.

He waits until the last few days to complete the project.

(Just like I used to do with my school homework)

He ends up rushing it.

'It'll do', he lies to himself.

Deep down knows he could have done better.

John misses out on the promotion he promised his wife was 'in the bag'.

John is stuck sitting opposite 'nosey Nigel' for another year.

John hates Nigel cos he slurps his tea and picks his nose over his keyboard.

Next up is Mike.

Mike is fat, slow, and gets out of breath playing cards with the kids.

It's embarrassing.

He wants to do something about it.

He sets a plan to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet...

But finds excuses to skip workouts or hoover down shit food.

He procrastinates...

Delaying his progress and making it harder to achieve the results his whole family are praying he gets...

Mike will probably die sooner than he should.

Let's hope it was worth the cookies and 3 hours of PlayStation a night.

Lastly, David.

David earns 'OK' money, and doesn't spend unnecessarily...

But he has 3 different bank accounts...

And no idea how much comes in or out each month.

Especially since his mortgage rate changed.

David knows he needs to create a budget and start saving for his family's future...

But he keeps putting it off.

He tells himself he'll do it next month or when he has more free time.

And yet, oddly, he has time to watch hours of football and rugby.

As a result, he miscalculates, and goes overdrawn...

His wife, Judy, gets pissed off cos her card got declined in Waitrose.


She's fucking livid, and totally embarrassed.

Especially as Elaine from number 43 (with the brand new Range Rover) saw her card get declined.

Judy makes a silent promise to herself to...

Not to let Dave near her in bed for at least a month to teach him a lesson.

Now he's in the shit.

And it could have all been avoided.

You don't need any more examples...

And I reckon the rise of mobile phones and social media have hugely added to the issue for so many men.

So, in short...

Overcoming procrastination can be a real challenge.

So I wanted to give you three powerful suggestions:

- Set Clear Goals and Priorities

Define specific, measurable, and time-bound goals.

Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

Prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines.

Focus on completing high-priority items first.

- Create a Structured Routine

Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes dedicated time blocks for...

Work, personal projects, exercise, relaxation, and social interactions.

Stick to a schedule to build discipline and make productivity a habit.

Routines can be particularly effective for men who thrive on structure and predictability.

Use tools like to-do lists, calendar apps, or productivity apps to help you stay organized and on track.

- Accountability and Support

Share goals and progress with a friend, family member, coach or mentor.

Having someone hold you accountable provides motivation and reduces procrastination.

Consider joining a group or community with similar interests or goals.

This can provide a sense of camaraderie and support.

(More on this below)

After speaking to so many men, I realise that...

Overcoming procrastination is a gradual process.

But vitally important if you want to WIN in life.

That's exactly why one of the big benefits of the membership is...

Helping you to...

Be laser-focused and set clear goals and priorities via our regular Round Table Mastermind.

Create a powerful daily structure via our 'One Day Reset' Morning Routine

(I'll be teaching you exactly what I deliver to big companies who want their staff to be...

More focused and make the company more money)

and finally...

Give you a simple accountability method that has worked wonders for guys I have coached.

All of this rolled together will have you firing on all cylinders.

And that's why I love the term...

Guiding You to Greatness

Cos we'll take everything we've tested, trialled, and learned that works...

And give it to you so you can move forward and feel like a man who's going places.

That'll do for today.

If you've found this helpful, do me a favour...

Forward it on to a mate or colleague who you reckon might procrastinate.

You'll be helping them and might even change their life.

Oh and here's some news...

The membership goes live on Friday 15th September.

I can't wait to get started with you all.

Catch you Wednesday...

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

  4. Rediscover who you are, what you want (and how to get it) on our 3-Day Men Only Retreat

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be


The Power of Taking Imperfect Action