Men need to feel powerful

'It's a great time to be creating something for men.'

'It's much needed and I love the concept'.

'Keep me informed, I'd be interested in that, Ant.'

Some of the comments I've had recently about the membership idea have led to...

Really interesting conversations with men.

Because I think I know that it's appealing to a certain type of man.

A man who might not be where he wants to be in life.

But has a burning desire to...

Succeed, be rich, feel good...

Be physically and mentally strong...

Be capable, desired, loved...

Live life on his terms.

And is prepared to actually DO SOMETHING about it.

But I covered what 'type' of man I was interested in standing shoulder to shoulder with...

In Monday's Journal.

If you've not read that yet go back and enjoy it here

So today I'm simply going to share with you a clip from a podcast.

It's from the MindPump pod episode 2092.

It's with Adam Lee, a psychotherapist and relationship expert.

Let's jump in...

A guy emailed me, asking for coaching.

It said...

"Adam, everything is successful except I have no friends.

I don't know who to talk to.

I spend all my time watching Netflix and porn...

And playing video games.

On the outside everything looks great...

But I have no male friends."

And I say to him 'How are you living?'

You NEED male friends that you can go to and say...

'Hey, I have this problem, have ANY of you solved this problem?'

And get the solution from them...

And if they don't know...

They know someone who does.

Men don't have that.

And that's why men watch podcasts.

Podcasts are amazing to them.

Men sitting in a room together, sharing data like this...

Is unheard of in the modern era.

That's why we have to get back to making it normal for men...

Not to cry and whine like everyone says nowadays.

Teach men to cry?

No, no, no, men want solutions.

Men don't go to therapy because they don't think they'll get solutions that can work.

They don't go to therapy because they don't want to sit and cry...

Because then they'll feel worse.

They want solutions from other men.

So teach men...

You need to get solutions from a man who solved your problem...

And then you'll solve your problem.

Interesting stuff.

That's where our concept of the Whole Man Academy membership comes in.

You'll be plugged into my existing extensive network of men...

Plus we will build our own network of men who will work together...

And help each other navigate ANY challenge that you are facing...

Or will face.

So I'll leave you with one final comment that Adam made on the podcast.

'Men need to feel powerful.'

And I'll ask you...

How powerful do you feel right now?

3/10? 5/10?

Compared to...

How powerful would you feel with outstanding men like this in your corner?

Fighting for you.

Pushing you.

Calling out your bullshit excuses.

Letting you tap into their wisdom and experiences.

And dragging you over challenges to...

Finally, start fucking winning.

That's a big old 10/10 if ever I saw it, brother.

Hmm.. something to think about.

Catch you Friday.

I'll be sharing a powerful bit of advice from one of the men in this picture...

AND I'll tell you the name of each tier of our membership concept.

I know you'll love it.

Catch you then.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Do you feel complete?


Sit alone or fly together?