Your mates are all coasters
Medellin in Colombia is where Drug Lord Pablo Escobar was based.
Given its history, you'd think it's a dangerous place to live...
And yet, the crime rate has dropped dramatically over the years.
It's now statistically safer to live there than in several parts of the USA.
So I was on a Zoom call last night with a guy who moved there from a sleepy village in Cambridge, UK.
It's one hell of a change.
I wish I had recorded the call...
It would have been a brilliant summarisation of one of the big benefits of the Membership tool we are working on for you.
In short, he said...
He found it really hard to find other men who wanted to live an exciting life and achieve great things.
His mates back home were fine.
But they were happy to live a Passive life.
Passive - not acting to influence or change a situation
So he decided to travel the world...
Work on his laptop...
And find other men who wanted to lead an epic life.
Now let me be clear.
There's nothing wrong with living a Passive life.
If you want to trundle along and all is good, that's awesome.
In fact, I'm kinda jealous of you.
Because it's a lot easier to just live that life for some guys.
A life with very little drive.
You could describe it as hiding.
Get up, go to work, come home.
Be brainwashed by mind-numbing TV for a few hours a night.
Scan the newspaper for anything actually true (good luck).
Watch men much fitter than you play sport for hours...
And get your dopamine hit from that...
Which stops you from realising how out of shape you've got...
Or how much excitement is lacking in your life.
Have the odd beer and takeaway.
Get laid now and then with the lights off.
Do some bits at the weekend.
Have 25 days holiday a year.
Earn enough to pay the bills and have some left over each month to treat yourself to things and stuff.
Look forward to retirement.
Die having lived a good life.
The End.
I know I've painted it in a slightly negative way (deliberately)...
But in reality, that's how most men are living.
And that's great if that's what you want.
But... there is another way.
If you read the above and had that feeling of...
'Fuck that'
Then we're starting to get somewhere.
If you're determined to live an exciting life that includes:
Great experiences so you feel like you are truly living instead of just staggering on the hamster wheel to nowhere.
Freedom to work when you want, go where you want, and buy what you want.
Loads of money so you don't have to worry about the Governments highly manipulated interest rates on your mortgage.
A fit, strong, and healthy body and mind.
A career you are genuinely excited by.
Quality time with your family.
A relationship with the woman you love that makes you feel alive.
Having a group of men in your corner who've got your back and want you to win (and even help you win).
Waking up every day and looking in the mirror with pride.
Now we are getting somewhere.
So that's the kind of man I'm inviting to join the Whole Man membership.
In fact, I told the guy in Colombia what the concept is...
And what it would include...
And how I know it will help men...
and he said...
'That's exactly what I was looking for when I lived in the UK.
Because my mates were great but were all happy coasting.'
And they couldn't understand his drive...
His NEED to...
Push himself.
Test himself.
Better himself.
And get out of the 'small-town small minds' rat race.
I totally understand, and maybe you do too.
He wants me to let him know when we get close to launch.
Maybe we've got our first member already.
But I'll finish with something I was thinking about after the call.
I only want a certain type of man in the membership because...
I don't care...
What car you drive (or even if you haven't got a car)
What shape you are in.
How much money you have in the bank.
What you do for a living.
How big your house is.
If you rent or own or are a digital nomad.
What you've done in the past.
How much you think you're a failure or a success.
I'll be looking for men who...
Want to improve all or some areas of their life.
Want to be a great father, husband, partner, son, colleague, or teammate.
Want to have powerful experiences with like-minded guys.
Are prepared to invest in themselves with time and effort.
Are motivated to do some work to get to where they want to be.
Want to make a fuckload of money to do great things with.
Aren't offended by real talk and bold discussion (and my swearing).
Are excited by the thought of measuring their progress.
Want to get out in nature more, sit around a fire, eat great food and tell ridiculous stories.
And finally... want to do all of this with me and lots of other guys alongside them.
It's ALL about your attitude, intention, and desire.
And you don't need to move to Colombia to find it.
So, I've painted that picture.
Call it a vision.
And so far I've had emails from guys like...
Ash, Dom, Graeme, Craig, Jimmy, David...
...who are all interested in joining.
So next week I'm going to tell you exactly what the membership tool will include...
And the names we have chosen for each tier of the membership.
To finish, I'll leave you with a quote that I kinda like.
The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.
Edith Sodergran (no idea who that is)
If the above speaks to you because you have a burning inner fire to achieve more in your life...
A reminder to hit reply and just type 'Interested.'
I'm so excited for all the guys who are interested in this chance to upgrade their life and have a strong network of men to do it alongside.
Have a great weekend.
And remember, the world needs strong men.
Whole Man Academy
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