Dinner Events dates released

Dates of the next dinners are below, chaps…

But first…

Nobody told you this as a boy or a young man.

But one of the most important things you can do is...

Weed out the people who don’t resonate with you.

That’s not to say you must go through life only with people who ‘get you’.

I spent 20 years working with a lot of people who were completely different to me.

Some got my sense of humour.

Some didn’t.

That’s life.

But what I wanted to find via the Whole Man Academy was guys on a similar journey.

A journey of leading the very best life they can.

Money, freedom, fun, excitement, adventure, love, confidence.

A cocktail of those are what a lot of men are looking for.

It doesn’t really matter if you are 35, 45, or 55…

We’ve even got guys reading this who are 60+ and 70+.

Cos men want to live well, no matter what age they are.

And that means finding guys who you can be REAL around.

Not pretending, not acting, not holding back.

Not being offended if an opinion is different to yours.

That’s actually why the podcast has been great for connecting.

Cos if you have listened to all 128 hours of me talking to guys.

You’re gonna get the real me.

I say shit, I say fuck, I say stupid stuff.

I’ll share embarrassing stories.

I say what’s worked for me, and what hasn’t.

What I think about things.

I speak my mind.

It's just like if you sit next to someone at work for 200 hours a month.

You’ll find out VERY quickly if you resonate with them.

That's why I laughed, with last Friday's Journal and podcast.

Several guys messaged me saying they loved the pod.

Frank Rich and I talked about porn and steroid use.

Two subjects that people shy away from.

But if we can talk more openly about these things...

Just like talking about men taking their own life.

The more we start the conversations, then maybe…

Just maybe…

We help more men.

So I’m pleased to say we only had ONE unsubscribe from that Journal.

In fact it’s the ONLY unsubscribe in a long time.

You can see for yourself with the screenshot below.


I’ll assume it’s because I opened the Journal with the word ‘Wanking’.

It made me laugh, and some of you guys as well.

And in a way it’s kind of a test, cos if you get offended by shit like that…

You aren’t going to last very long in our network of men.

And that’s cool.

You've gotta find men or mates who you can talk unfiltered with.

In fact, very soon I’m going to spend 4 days in the company of a man who is...

A legend of the Real Talk movement for men in the USA.

More on that next week.

But for now, I’m excited to say I finally have the dates for the next WMA dinners.


The first will be in central LONDON on Thursday 15th June from 6.30pm

Venue TBC but I’m working on it.

And then we’ll be in the COTSWOLDS on Thursday 22nd June from 6.30pm.

Venue will be the same as last time,  The Bell  at Alderminster, CV37 8NY.

I would LOVE to connect with you and have a great dinner and laugh if you can make it.

Appreciate some of you are in other countries, but we have something for you soon as well.

I’ll send out the link to grab your ticket in Fridays Journal.

Look out for that.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.


Dinner event tickets now LIVE


Today guy, or Future guy?