It’s destroying men and women


Probably not something you're gonna talk about in public.

I mean...

Lets assume you sit on a PC / Laptop at some point during the day.

Maybe at a desk in the office with hundreds of people around you.

Maybe at home on the dining table.

Maybe even a coffee shop.

But you decide to take a break from work.

You bring up your latest YouTube video to watch.

Either your wife, your kids, your colleagues, or just passers by are going to see it.

Which one would make you feel uncomfortable...

Life Lessons from an Army Interrogator.


or this one...

Conquering your PORN addiction


It actually makes me laugh because it's the kind of thing we would have done as a joke in the City.

Wait until your colleague goes out to grab lunch or a coffee.

When he comes back you've opened this...

...and left it on FULL SCREEN.

Mature.. no, funny... yes!

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that porn is destroying men.

As a result of that it's also destroying women.

There's something to think about.

Anyway, today isn't the place to delve deeply in to the destructive ability of porn.

But I'll get to it another time.

It's part of the BOLD conversations us men need to have.

No matter if its porn, alcohol, anger, rage, smoking, food, scrolling...

It's just a coping mechanism or escapism for some.

So, this is me leading in to this weeks podcast.

It's with Frank Rich.


I love this guy cos he ain't afraid of having those bold conversations.

He's even had people on the podcast talking about child trafficking.

I have also done research on that subject and it's a VERY deep and dark rabbit hole to go down.

It makes you feel uncomfortable.

But that's often where the conversations are needed most.

Anyway, you might have noticed that we're slowly loading all of our podcasts on to our website with a dedicated page for each.

So here's the link to check it out when you get time.

There's SHITLOADS of nuggets for you guys to enjoy.

Right, we've got loads to report on Monday so look out for that

And remember, the world needs strong men


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

Today guy, or Future guy?


An awesome resource for men