Jordan Peterson gets things wrong.

One of the biggest mistakes you'll make as a man... looking at other men seemingly doing better than you...

and think they have got all the answers.

ESPECIALLY when they have a big following on social media...

Or have a high profile.

So I'll reel off some big names to use as an example.

See which ones you know:

Dr Jordan Peterson - 7.8 million IG followers

Tom Bilyeu - Founder of Impact Theory - 2 million IG followers

Jocko Willink - Former Navy Seal - 2.9 million IG followers

Guys like this put out great content...

and it gets lapped up by men across the world...

but remember, they aren't perfect, they make mistakes like the rest of us.

I was reminded of this as I spoke to a guy who was interested in coming to our Cotswolds dinner in 2 weeks' time.

He lacks a bit of confidence (something we all have from time to time in areas of our life).

He said he wanted to come along but would feel a bit inferior to the 'high rollers that will be there'.

I completely understood his thought process.

He can fall into the trap of thinking everyone around him is doing better than him.

But here's something interesting...

When I have dug deep into hundreds of men across the world, I've found that...

All men have a Silent Struggle of some description or another.

Some bigger than others, yes...

I mean, I worked with a guy for a while who had so much money he didn't know what to do with it.

Sounds great.. but he was one of the most LOST men I've ever met.

No purpose, no structure, no real friends.

He's since turned things around.

But there's a good reminder.

On the outside you might think a man has it all together.. but on the inside, he might be...

Hating his job that he's been stuck with for 15 years in the hope that he'll get promoted.

Embarrassed about being fat...

...especially when he takes the kids swimming and some of the other dads clearly do some weights

Sick of his wife who nags him all the time even when he's working all the hours god sends...

...and wants to shout 'I'm doing my fucking best!'

Missing his kids who he only gets to see sporadically because his marriage broke down and they live with his ex.

Still living with the trauma of being bullied and humiliated at school in front of the kids in the playground...

Or the trauma of being left to cry all night long as a little baby because his parents mistakenly thought that was a great way to get him to sleep at night...

...when the ONLY thing he wanted in the whole world was to feel safe with mummy or daddy...

...and now he has serious abandonment issues as an adult.

And lastly...

Unable to cover the massive rise in his mortgage...

...but can't tell his wife they have to get rid of the Range Rover to save some money cos she will go mental.

We could list a lot more but you get the gist.

Silent. Struggles. Everywhere.

The good news is, you CAN do something about every one of these.

But we can save the advice on each of these for another time.

So to finish...

Here's my reminder... the men at our dinners...

...and especially the men in The Network are no different to you.

They have shit going on in their lives...

They want to be better...

To want to have more money or be fitter or have more freedom

But they are men just like you.

But they are banding together to learn from each other, share what's working and what's not...

And working through their challenges to make progress day after day after day.

So check out The Network if you really want to make some upgrades in your life.

On that note.. thanks to the guys who came to the Winchester dinner.

I'll tell you about a big takeaway I got from it next week.

Our London dinner is next Thursday at Byron Burger in Covent Garden

...and we have ONE SEAT LEFT!

So hit this link NOW to join me, Tom, Reiss, Peter, Gary, Phil, Nigel, Ian, and another Gary if you want the last seat!

Oh and the Cotswolds dinner on 23rd has 14 men going.. so ONLY TWO spaces remaining

Here's that link as well to grab your ticket:

I'll be back on Monday to share a big breakthrough that one of the guys in The Network has had.

Catch you then...

Have a great weekend.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

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