Don’t Let December Derail You: How to Stay Strong and Focused Over the Holidays

December is a trap for men.

  • Parties, mince pies, and beige food.

  • Late nights, hangovers, and dehydration.

  • Missed workouts and lost progress.

Most men let December win.

They start January on the back foot.

Bloated, sluggish, and behind on their goals.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s how to enjoy the holidays while staying strong, focused, and ready to hit the ground running in the new year.

When I worked in the City, December was a chaotic cocktail of excess:

  • 6 client lunches (3 courses plus booze).

  • 1 desk night out (dinner, drinks, and smashed in a nightclub until 3 a.m.).

  • 3 client dinners and nights out.

  • 3 nights out with dates or mates.

And all of this while getting up at 5:30 a.m. and being at my desk by 6:45 a.m.

I was always hungover at the weekend.

I still hit the gym 3–4 times a week, but it came at a cost:

  • Lost hours of my life.

  • Slower progress toward my goals.

  • Too many brain cells sacrificed to the chaos.

Sound familiar?

The temptations are real—but so are the consequences.

And if you’re not 25 anymore…

…or you’re a dad with responsibilities…

…you can’t afford to let December derail you.

The 3 Dangers of Letting December Win

1. Physical and Mental Slowdown

  • Junk food, booze, and late nights leave you feeling bloated, sluggish, and mentally foggy.

  • You’ll probably look like shit, too.

2. Declining Health

  • Too much booze (I know what this was like).

  • Too little water, sleep, and exercise, especially with the dark cold nights.

  • These open the door to a weaker immune system, weight gain, and health problems that take longer to bounce back from as you age.

3. Productivity Goes Out the Window

  • Skipping routines, giving in to late nights, and letting discipline slide fucks your focus.

  • You’ll lag behind on your goals while others stay ahead.

Why Men Struggle With December

Here’s what I hear from men all the time (and I get it):

  • “It’s dark and freezing in the mornings.”
    Getting up early to run or hit the gym feels impossible.

  • “There’s too much social stuff.”
    Endless events and people egging you on to have more pints make it tough to avoid overindulgence.

  • “I’m fucking exhausted and can’t cope.”
    Between work deadlines, family responsibilities, and holiday prep, it’s easy to let your fitness and health slide.

These are valid challenges.

But here’s the deal: you’re a grown man—you can push back.

How to Stay Strong and Focused in December

1. Adjust Your Workouts

  • Short on time? Do a 20-minute swim or a quick bodyweight session at home.

  • Even 10 minutes is better than nothing.

2. Party in Moderation

  • Enjoy yourself, but balance getting shitfaced with healthier choices and plenty of water.

3. Stop Letting Peer Pressure Dictate Your Life

  • You’re a grown man.

  • Don’t let others pull you off your path.

  • If you don’t want to driunk, don’t. You shouldnt have to justify it.

4. Schedule Your Workouts in Advance

  • Block out time on your calendar to ensure fitness doesn’t take a back seat.

5. Prioritise Sleep

  • On nights you’re not out, get to bed early and LEAVE your phone alone.

  • Sleep is your weapon.

Your Challenge: Win December

Don’t let the holidays hijack your progress.

This is your time to strengthen your resolve:

  • Finish that book or course you’ve been putting off.

  • Dial in your habits.

  • Set the tone for a powerful start to January.

While others ease off, we push on.

Stay driven. Stay focused. Win December.

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The world needs strong men.

Be one of them.

​Director - Whole Man Academy

build your ideal life

Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

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