So many men experience this painful issue...

Going through a divorce can be really shit.

I know men who've had very messy separations.

And it's hard to come to terms with a long relationship ending.

There's so much history...

Time, energy, memories...

And love, sweat, tears, and money invested.

It's even more painful when there are kids involved...

And houses to sell...

Family to face...


Who gets the Rex the dog?

Suddenly you have to consider if...

The friends you used to see are 'hers or yours'?

You can feel cut adrift and lonely.

Then there's the prospect of your partner having a 'new man' in her life...

You hate him even though you don't really know him.

Let alone the issue of...

Paying towards a family home and financing a new move for you.


I've known guys who felt sick in the stomach at the thought of another man in their family home.

I'm lucky I've never had to face all of that.

But I know plenty of men who have.

In fact, at our last WMA Cotswolds dinner we had David, an award-winning Divorce Consultant there...

And when one of the chaps in the room heard how David helps men navigate divorce he said...

'I wish I'd known you a few years ago'.

It would have saved him thousands of pounds and maybe even some stress and heartache.

And that's one of the priceless benefits of having a mixture of men from all different sectors in your Network.

You can learn from them and utilise their experience and wisdom.

Because you never know when you might need someone to help you.

So I don't know what each of you do who will join The Network,

But I can't wait to see how we end up connecting, working, and motivating each other...

To overcome any challenges that crop up.

And on that... I'll quickly answer several of the questions I've had from guys over the past week:

1. When is the membership launching?

Early September (I'm on holiday 4-8th, so soon after that)

2. Are there different options?

There will be 2 tiers of membership, The Unit and The Network.

3. How much will it be?

As one of the guys said on a call a few weeks ago...

'It needs to be enough that I take it seriously...

But not so much that I have to ask my wife.'

I loved that, and totally understood.

Plus we are going to do a Founding Members launch for a strictly limited amount of men.

So, I'll share more details over the next 2 weeks.

One thing I am excited about is that we will be including regular Masterclass videos...

They will be the most impactful ideas to help you solve one or more challenges in your life...

Or to help optimise important sectors of your life.

I can't wait for that.

Especially as I have just confirmed the first few experts.

They will really help you move the needle on going from good to great.

Lastly, if you do find yourself single again for divorce or whatever reason...

Here's my advice:

Spend some time licking your wounds...

But make a firm decision to upgrade yourself so you perform at your best...

Look and feel fucking great...

And show up as the man you want to be for a potential new partner to notice you.

Not sure where to start?

Hit this link and check out our Energy Protocol course...

In just a few weeks you'll be stronger, fitter, healthier, more focused, more organised...

And improve your levels of testosterone so you can take on the world and get back to feeling your best.

Catch you Wednesday.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

When you’re ready to stop letting life pass you by and want to realise your potential instead, here are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Uncover your hidden characteristics to bring back the excitement and motivation you had in your twenties. Hero’s Journey (Free)

  2. Quickly energise and optimise yourself in six short but powerful weeks by taking our Energy Protocol Course ($)

  3. Deep-Impact, Elite and Exclusive Personal Coaching to take you from where you are to where you want to be. ($$)

  4. Rediscover who you are, what you want (and how to get it) on our 3-Day Men Only Retreat ($$$)

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Anthony Astbury

I am a coach, creator, and founder of the Whole Man Academy. After a 20-year career as a broker in the City, I now help men transform their lives by reigniting their ambition and building a life they’re proud of.

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