Join Now And…

re-ignite your hidden drive

here’s everything you get when you join the network

  • You will get regular mini-courses from elite level men in my network.

    Whether it’s mental and fat loss...muscle…

    Business...combat and self defense...

    Be inspired by men who have specialist knowledge in an area that matters to you becoming the Whole Man that all men dream of being.

    The purpose of these mini-courses is to reveal little known information that the elite level man learned on his journey.

    This isn’t going to be common stuff you’ll hear elsewhere.

    I purposely will seek out the little known, cutting edge...”holy shit I’ve never heard that!” kind of stuff that gets crazy results.

  • You’ll get an “integration” Mastermind Zoom call with me and the other members…

    I’ll help you to implement everything you learn on the two mini courses.

    Plus, we’ll look at where you are, where you want to be, and plan exactly what you need to do to get there.

    I’ll answer questions...

    I’ll inspire you...

    I’ll give you the kicks up the arse you need, if you need them…

    So you don’t let another month pass by living below your potential.

  • There’s nothing like getting around other men for a dinner, a full day, or even a weekend. We’ve been hosting events since 2018 and you will get access to invite only events to connect and have a bloody good laugh with the other guys in The Network.

  • A simple yet powerful email tool to help you stay laser focused, crystal clear on your path ahead, and accountable, every week so you do what you said you were going to do.

  • Connect and collaborate with all the other guys who have joined that want to live a great life. All via a super cool and easy to use platform called Skool. It’s distraction free an opens a door to a world of possibilities.

Welcome to your life-changing moment of choice

You've come this far because you're interested, and that's great.

You've learned about the benefits, seen men just like you striving for greatness. Now, it's decision time!

Your journey to success starts right here, right now.

If you're ready to take action, hit the button now.

Upgrade Your Life.

Our goal: helping you achieve what you want, plain and simple.

No sugarcoating here. We deal in real talk.

You tell us your desires; we guide your journey through life's chaos, and the rest becomes history.

Success means we've helped you reach your goals.

Take action and join me and the brothers inside The Network

Not quite ready? Email me at

I'll address your concerns and see if you’re a good fit.

Because it’s not for all men, just those with a great attitude and powerful intentions.

Forge ahead with strength and purpose.

Anthony Astbury

JOIN now for just $67 a month

Takes you straight to the Skool platform to JOIN.


(Get 12 months for the price of 8 instantly SAVING $268!)

We’ll send you access to Skool via email upon signing up.

Your journey to success starts right here, right now.

Join Us Now And Start Winning

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