Rise Above December's Trap - Read This TODAY!

Don't let this be you.

December isn't just about festivities, family time...

And celebrating the birth of Jesus.

It's also a slippery slope.

It's easy to fall into a pit of parties, lunches out, multiple mince pies...

Beer, wine, chocolate, beige food...

Late nights, dehydration...

Lack of action, lack of planning...

Hangovers and lost opportunities for progress.

I know what it was like when I worked in the City.

Between 1st and 23rd December on average I would have:

- 6 client lunches (3 courses plus loadsa booze)

- 1 desk night out (3 courses, booze, nightclub till 3am)

- 3 client nights out with dinner and club (until 3-4am)

- 3 nights out with a date, or mates, until late

And remember, I always HAD to be up at 5.30am...

...and at my desk by 6.45am.

There was no 'flexitime', or WFH in that industry.

I was nearly always hungover at the weekend.

I'm glad I didn't have kids back then or I would have never seen them.

Also note: I still went to the gym 3-4 times a week and fuelled myself well most of the time.

But, that aside... I still HIT IT HARD...

And spent many an hour at my desk, or on the sofa at the weekend hungover.

I had a lot of fun but a lot of lost hours of my life...

...and a few brain cells.

So I get it.

The temptations are real...

...but so are the consequences if we let ourselves slip into the trap of...

...neglecting our desire for optimal health and achieving our goals.

Especially if you are not 25 anymore...

...or are a father with responsibilities.

So here's three issues that will creep up if you're not careful:

1) Physical and Mental Slowdown

The combo of parties, junk food, and late nights can take a toll on our bodies and minds.

Leaving us feeling sluggish, bloated, and mentally foggy.

And you will probably look like shit.

2) Crap health

Too much booze, not enough water or sleep, and skipping exercise...

Will open the door to a weaker immune system, weight gain...

...and health issues.

3) Lack of Productivity

When we give in to the pull of too much booze...

...late nights, the slacking off...

...and skip our routines...

...our productivity often takes a nosedive...

...leaving us lagging behind in our goals.

Now, let's look at the common things I hear from men...

...(and they are all valid to some extent).

- Freezing cold dark mornings and long winter nights make it challenging to lace up those running shoes...

...or hit the gym before or after work.

- A constant stream of social events coupled with peer pressure...

...make it difficult to resist overindulgence in crappy food and drink.

With end-of-year deadlines, family stuff, corporate entertaining, and holiday prep...

...it's easy to feel overwhelmed and use that as an excuse to skip workouts or not look after yourself.

I know because I've done it in the past (and will still do it to some extent).

Here's the deal, though.

We can push back against these challenges.

A few ideas...

- Find alternative and quick exercises that suit the weather.

Go swimming for 20 mins, or do a quick home body bodyweight workout.

Even a short workout is better than nothing.

- Enjoy partying but in moderation.

It's tough but doable.

Balance the indulgence with healthier options and plenty of water.

- Don't let peer pressure dictate your choices.

You are a grown fucking man.

Don't be a melt and do things you don't want to do.

Don't be swayed by others not on your journey.

Ok, last two...

- Schedule your workouts in advance and block out the time

- Get to bed early on the nights you are not out.

So, here's the call to action:

Keep pushing to be a better man.

To live an optimal life...

...and don't let December hijack your progress.

Use this time to strengthen your resolve.

Finish that book or course you keep meaning to.

Work on you.

Refine your habits...

...and set the tone for a powerful start to January.

Here's what I said to one of the guys who joined The Network just before it closed.

'While others ease off, we push on.

Stay driven, stay focused...

...and let's win December to start the new year on the front foot.'

Apply some or all of the suggestions above.

Good luck, brother.

And remember, the world needs strong men.


Whole Man Academy

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